So, this is a subject that has been on my mind a lot lately and I hope people take time to read it. Self portraits are something I have only pretty recently started experimenting with because obviously I am most comfortable behind the camera, not in front of it. But recently I was talking with my friend Laura (who is one of the most
beautiful and wacky talented people I know) about doing a shoot together sometime and she was saying we should do one of the both of us self portrait style. But she made a comment that really got me thinking about this whole subject when she said something like I love self portraits because you can do them and know it is not in a vain way. And I was just like yes! exactly! But the problem is, usually, unless you are an artist or into this kind of stuff you don't get it and many people will automatically think of how that person must love themselves when they see them upload self portraits. From time to time I will get comments like "so how do you take those pictures of yourself, is someone else there?" (seemingly just to get me to say I took them of myself). I think there is a difference in doing creative and expressive self portraits than taking a bunch of random pictures of your face and having a whole facebook album of them for example (but whatever floats your boat dude). Self portraits are an art form, just like any other. In my experience thus far I learn way more using myself as a subject rather than just trying to shoot random objects or plants. It is challenging for sure, but that's why every self-respecting photographer should explore working both sides of the camera.
In my recent self portraits below I was really exploring ways to work with light--natural light. I am a sucker for the hazy, dreamy, and soft lit photos because of the essence that type of light brings to the subject and the whole photo. These self portraits are the first photos I have probably
ever uploaded without editing in anyway, which was nerve racking for me. I think lighting is the most important thing about photography so I wanted these to show what just light alone--without any processing--can do. No matter what kind of camera you have, you can produce beautiful photos with the way you use light. Many people have asked me if they were film which is a huge compliment to me because film has an authentic look that is hard to fake in photoshop. If these were vain in any way then I could have smoothed my skin, made my eyes brighter or remove the scratch on my nose that you can see in the first--but I wanted these to be raw and real.

I also really wanted to show how yes, technically, these are pretty over exposed and some not completely in focus but that it is ok. I dont think you always need to go by the "rules" when you are trying to achieve a certain look because if I would have "properly" exposed these they would loose that hazy essence and dreamy feel. Don't be afraid to experiment.
Anyways, I am not trying to change anyone's minds but just to offer another opinion from my point of view.
And here is a killa self portait of Laura. Check out the rest of her flickr
here--she is amazing!
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